
A touch of blue in the memory

Man, when empty, the total will be a memory tentacles reaching toward home, such as scatter seeds for their rooting, germination, grow lush treesproduct labeling
, can give the cool in the hot - signature of

Living in the city, was like sitting in the roof cool. Flat look far into the distance, standing tall, jagged hills, shallow gully, the attitude of thousands of samples. In the distanceCCIBA, the roof scattered populations were visible, is a rare treasure like singular general carved in the sunset, I see the yellow glazed tile from the tip, to spread out around the cable. But see what is not much, occasionally dotted, laxly such as cone, in the sunset, reflected light, bright yellowish orange. Under these circumstances, to build up a difficult to see inside tend to such as the boundless heart careerMen fashion
, can not help but feel lost. Ah, the other a strange picture into the heart: the morning countryside, corrugated, smoke weave a gray net, dream in barking crowing sound. Oh, it was a few decades ago memory.

But, ravines tile, on my way of laying long round mark, outside flow slowly, tick, let my tears flow and memory fragrance.

Yes, she is livid, such as smoke, with my heart's ridge, turned into a wisp of nostalgia I can't erase. Such as root, such as tree growth, such as the umbrella, cover my heart Yang, let the years wind and rain.

When I was small village, rarely do the new house, then, if a house, is create a great sensation. The neighbors are willing to help, but the most happy for our children. It was a really found playing paradise, he beam and tile is a very happy and warm things, next door neighbours, relatives and friends come to help, the scene is very lively!

Bell's third netball title most precious

ADELAIDE July 14 AAP - Goal attack Erin Bell set a record when she claimed a third trans-Tasman netball league title on Sunday but she says this one is a little more preciousphone covers.

The 26-year-old goal attack was named Most Valuable Player after sparking the Adelaide Thunderbirds to their 50-48 victory over the Queensland Firebirds in the grand finalWigs for Cancer Patients Bright Hopes.

Bell previously won championship medals with the NSW Swifts in 2008 and the Thunderbirds in 2010 but treasured this one even more because of the team's special bondcloud computing hong kong.

"I have enjoyed my time here in Adelaide and this culture is something I want to stay in," said Bell.

"This one is really special because we've been building these values and I haven't felt that unity and bond in a team before, so it's nice to go all the way."

Bell was the Thunderbirds' go-to-girl in the circle, as goal shooter Carla Borrego was tightly held by Queensland captain Laura Geitz.

With nine seconds to go and after missing a crucial goal underneath the ring, she managed to shoot from long range to give the Thunderbirds a two-goal buffer and secure the win for the home side.

"When you're a little kid you always think about having the final shot in a grand final, but I'm just so glad it wasn't a draw and that was the goal the game was hanging on and I'm just glad it went in," Bell said.

"I didn't think we had it until that very last second and I'm shocked to get an MVP because there were seven great players out there and we got the victory because of all seven standing up."

Fulham refuse to comment on sale reports

Fulham have refused to be drawn on a report that Mohamed Al Fayed is ready to sell the Premier League club to Pakistan-born billionaire Shahid Khan machine made sequin embroidery.

It was claimed on Wednesday that Al Fayed is in talks with Khan, who owns NFL team Jacksonville Jaguars, as he looks to cash in on the west London team after 16 years at the helm.

Khan, who was born in Lahore but now has American citizenship, is ranked 179th in the Forbes 400 list of richest Americans with an estimated worth of $2.5 billion after making his fortune as a car parts manufacturer.

The 62-year-old already has ties to London, with the Jaguars scheduled to play one NFL regular season game a season at Wembley for the next four years, and the Mail claims he has now set his sights on adding Fulham to his sporting portfolio wine tasting.

The report says a deal could be concluded by the end of the week, but Fulham and Egyptian tycoon Al Fayed have yet to comment on the matter.

Al Fayed, 84, has transformed Fulham from a third-tier outfit to an established Premier League side since taking over in 1997.

Off the field, training facilities have improved markedly and Craven Cottage has been revamped, with planning permission in place to redevelop the Riverside Stand and increase the stadium's capacity to 30,000.

The club is also effectively debt-free after Al Fayed converted previous loans into equity earlier this year Asian college of knowledge management.



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