

I asked for 1 and I got 7! Sent my driver to buy them for me and clearly told him, please buy me 1 avocado, he came back with 7 … “but madam, I thought you like some more” Well, honestly, a few extra avocados never hurt anyone right? They are extremely healthy and are rich in vitamin B, E and K. Approximately 75% of an avocado’s calories come from fat, most of which is monounsaturated fat.- which is a good thing. Avocados also have 60% more potassium than bananas and they have the highest fiber content of any fruit – including 75% insoluble and 25% soluble fiber mathconcept. So how could I say no! Only thing was now I didn’t know what to do with so many! I am the only one in my family who likes them and hence the only one who’s going to eat them. 7 avocados for one little soul is a bit too many, but yet I knew I had to use ‘em all ? I ate 2 of them just like that – sliced them and sprinkled them with red chilli powder and squeezed some lime. The simplest of things are sometimes the best I believe. When they are like that they are still so moorish. What’s great about them is that they are so easy to eat. For example you could be in between working or playing about at party poker and want a snack. In just a few seconds you can have something delicious on your plate. What’s more is that they are pretty filling. But still that was just two. And I had 5 more to go. So I used 2 of them to make guacamole and another one for some chilled avocado soup and infused it with some fresh mint and lemongrass from my garden. Here’s how …

Chilled Avocado Soup with Mint, Cucumber and Lemongrass
? I medium sized ripe avocado
? 1 large green cucumber
? Handful of fresh mint leaves
? 3-4 stalks of lemongrass infused in 200 ml water and then chilled (alternately you can infuse it in some fresh homemade vegetable stock)
? 200 ml low fat yogurt
? 3-4 sprigs of spring onion
? Salt to taste

Peel the cucumber then peel and stone the avocado. Roughly chop the cucumber and spring onions and put it in the food processor along with the avocado and all the other ingredients. Whizz it till smooth and if you find the soup a bit thick you can further thin it with some more of the lemongrass infused water (smash the lemongrass stalks and boil them in the water. Leave to cool and then chill. When ready to use, strain the water) or some more yogurt. Personally i like the soup a bit runny and not too thick. Pour into a jug and cover tightly and chill it well. To garnish, pour into soup bowl and add some chopped cucumber for that extra crunch and a finish of with a sprig of mint Handmade accessories.

? 2 ripe avocados
? 1 small tomato or use ? a tomato chopped
? 1 medium sized onion chopped
? 2 red scotch bonnet chillis chopped
? Juice of 2 limes
? Salt to taste
? Handful of coriander chopped
Cut the avocado in half and remove the stone. Scoop out the flesh and lightly mash with a fork. Mix in the rest of the ingredients lightly and pile it out in a bowl. You Guacamole Dip is ready, serve with tortilla chips. Couldn’t be easier right Next Generation Firewall?


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No Name Ninja

